Thursday, February 28, 2008


Thank you to all the arty party people who came to our first jam session - some of the work was really amazing, it was delightful to see the wild & wacky wonders conjured up. I felt humbled & impressed.
Of course there is no need to feel too intimidated to have a go yourself because some of the work was quite crappy too ;)

The 'secret ingedient' was a condom which Mzzz Erin Tasmania originally thought was a bit naff but then considered it carefully & decided it was actually genius. So, if you reckon it's naff at the moment you can rest assured that you are wrong. Right? Right.

The competition was fierce, the judges were fierce (but fair-ish) Mzzz Tassie & HaHa were fabulously fierce & the fact the second place went to a piece of wearable art modelled by a handsome semi-naked lad wrapped in gladwrap had NOTHING to do with the judging panel being stacked with gay men.The Best in Show winner was unfazed that the canvases had all been nabbed before her arrival - she painted on her preggas belly instead & the sweetest little moustached condom man snapped up third place & the people's choice award.

Congratulations winners!

& all the rest of you - you were robbed. ROBBED!

Because it was so much goodness we're going to do it all again (& again & again & again) every Saturday arvo at Section 8 Container Bar, Tattersalls lane, Melbourne

This Saturday we'll have a whole new swag of art stuff to play with & feature artist Rachael Jessie-Rae will show you that you don't have to be a drag queen to have fun with glitter.

If you want more info send me some mailxxxcasey

Thursday, January 3, 2008