Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Andrew Bolt is an appealing & mild-mannered gent

I've never really paid much attention to Mr. Bolt. Except for on occassion when I've felt like a little light entertainment. Debating his fantastical Herald Scum ditties would be kind of like accepting a dual with a mentally challenged orang-utan on acid who was too busy dry-humping a flagpole to put up much of a fight. In fact it would be very much like this. It would be possibly cruel & definitely pointless.

I naturally expected that in the flesh he would be hideous - tufts of hair sprouting from the nose, fangs, somewhat resembling the Incredible Hulk. In short like a cross between Stan Zemaneck & Alan Jones. I'm sure anyone who has read his words would assume that he would have an equally ugly manner.

But have you seen the man?

I saw him again last night on Lateline & was struck afresh by how inoffensive & reasonable he appears.

He wears beige.
He speaks in an even, clear & unhurried fashion.
He has nice (enough) hair. And none of it seems to be protruding from his nose.

Of course everything he says is hyperbolic insanity but he utters his faff in such a calm way that you could almost be lulled into believing he is a human being.


What if he goes into politics (you know, officially?) Eeeek.

Or is it just me? Please say it's just me. Take a squiz at my array of ex's & you'll no doubt conclude that I am not very skilled in the art of character judgement. Yes, let's hope it's just me.


Anonymous said...

Oh, god he is truly so 'appealing'.

He's often on the ABC's Insiders programme on the weekends, saying ridiculous things in a very pleasant manner, and the 'centre' commentators often agree with him. It truly is a bizarre parody of informed comment.

Anonymous said...

Or else they're trying to reason with him using facts logic, which we all know is impossible.