Thursday, October 18, 2007

Dirty words

Recently I have been delving into the world of Facefuck & was so delighted when a group I established was joined by over 150 facefuckers in a matter of days. Days, people. I'm a leader! I have my finger on the pulse! I hear what the people want & I give it to them.

What the people want is cunt.

I had daydreams about our group "I don't find the word cunt offensive, cunts are friendly, in my experience" revolutionising the Aussie lexicon. No longer would the precious & much maligned term be used as an insult, cunt would become synonymous with, well - with cunt. People would only be refered to as cunt if they were found to be deep, warm & delightful. There would be an explosion of babies named 'Cuntha' & 'Cuntid' & 'Cuntella'.

Then Facefuck pulled my group.

They said:
"The group "I don't find the word cunt offensive, cunts are friendly, in my experience" has been removed because it violated our Terms of Use. Among other things, groups that are hateful, threatening, or obscene are not allowed. We also take down groups that attack an individual or group, or advertise a product or service. Continued misuse of Facebook's features could result in your account being disabled."

It is a weird & Orwellian horror fact that we live in times when the most powerful & noisiest amongst us can pull the words from our throats & send them spinning them off in crazy directions that we never intended.
Scary that our ears are so easily persuaded to change their understanding of words seemingly against our will & nature simply 'cos someone big & powerful shouts loud enough.
If you say the word 'Islam' to me I have a lot of immediate associations. Many of which are not positive. They are fearful & illogical & at odds with my heart & mind, they annoy the hell out of me but still they come because big people have pushed the associations long & loud enough & I have done the human thing & soaked it all up.

It's been done to 'feminism'
It's been done to 'refugees'
It's been done to 'disco'

Now the Libs are trying to do it to unions. DON'T LET THEM. I've had e-bloody-nough! Unionism is NOT A DIRTY WORD folks! I ♥ Unions t-shirts all round please!


Anonymous said...

Indeed, I couldn't agree more. I find it extremely offensive that 'cunt' is considered extremely offensive. Evidence that we still live in a cunt-hating society.

Perhaps it's time to take this campaign offline? Are there obscenity laws in Australia that prevent using the word in every context?

Every time I hear someone use the term (who isn't a complete shithead who wouldn't listen anyway), I explain how cunt is one of the best words in the English language. In Wellington, cunt was a great term of endearment, and only your best friends would call you cunt. It seems to be less so here, but I'm sure that will change!

Anonymous said...

but unions are anti-business.

i saw it myself on the television!

Chai said...

Have you seen this clip regd f/book and privacy?