Friday, September 14, 2007

Howard & Costello: star crossed lovers or destined for splitsville?

There are some couples who possess an undeniable passion for one another which can't be ignored- as nauseating as we may find thoughts of that passion. Our parents, for example. Thankfully Howy & Costly are not such a couple. We are blissfuly free of visions of them engaged in lovey-dovey trysts behind closed doors. Such a thing would be unthinkable: THEY HATE EACH OTHER!

So what's all this Howard-Costello-Yay-Team rah rah rah baloney?

Come on! These two make as likely a love match as a wombat & a cobra. They are as well suited as Diana & Charles, Michael Jackson & Lisa-Marie Presley, the one at the keyboard now & pretty much everyone she's ever pashed.

In short: they should get restraining orders & stay the hell away from each other & quit telling Australia they're in luuurve & are working as a 'team' 'cos we just don't buy it.


Anonymous said...

Me, I can't WAIT for the tell all book... they must have some serious dirt on each other to keep up this charade for so long. We have hints their sneeky wheeling and dealing ways of course... Tamper......war in Iraq... work'choices' etc... wow, the public dirt is scandelous enough, what they are managing to keep quiet must be reeeeeaaaly juicy.

Anonymous said...

Capital Ideas - where ARE you?! It's been 10 whole days - and not a word! We NEED you!

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back CI - I had begun to think you'd been filtered out - put on the "Black List" referred to in glossy "Important Net Alert from the PM" booklet received in my - and every other Australian- mailbox last week