Tuesday, October 16, 2007

It's on! & they're off!

The election has been called at long bloody last & while Howard & Rudd run around like chooks with their heads cut off, Julie 'Aussie Jules' Dunk alone stands calm with her feet on the ground - an oasis of true-blue clarity in a treacherous political landscape.

Forget 60 minutes of faff & morning insanity with Mel & Cockhead - Jules went straight to the streets, straight to her people for a little good old-fashioned peak hour honk action.

The exercise was a success. There were no crashes. There were several honks (even when we weren't standing in the middle of the road). If people couldn't read the signs it didn't deter them too much - except for one woman who wound down her window to shout "what are you protesting for?" - Jules, always the quick thinker, replied quick as a flash - "various things". Honks followed.


Anonymous said...

Will there be kissing of babies, speeches to business associations, and walkabouts in malls?

Capital Ideas Australia said...

Ah George, what we failed to capture in the pics was the moment where Jules chased (yes, chased) a group of school kiddies just out from a trip to the museum. Unfortunately they got away but she's not giving up! If anyone has a baby who wants a bit of pash action please let us know!
Malls MOST DEFINITELY. Jules is a shopping centre entertainer by trade & is just gagging to go strut her stuff for the nation's shoppers.

Anonymous said...

Go Jules! You seem to have a great team behind you - how can you fail?! If I had a car - I would have honked too!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I certainly hope Jules makes it to Canberra!

Perhaps Jules can kiss Rayna's baby in front of the cameras?

And I think the signs should be less discriminatory - how about "ring your bell" for all us cyclists?

Capital Ideas Australia said...

Noted! You can ring Jules' bell any day. & yes, we've been eyeing off the mini-Kakariki for some time now...