Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Pearls of wisdom from our PM

"...better to be safe than sorry"

Howard's recent statements in regards to the horrific treatment of Haneef have fascinated and concerned us for several reasons.
First off it's worrying that he seems to be stuck in some kind of parallel universe where the word 'safe' is interchangeable with the phrase 'despicably inhumane persecutors'.
Also of interest is that he was able to utter the s-s-s-s-s-sorry word at all (there, now that wasn't so hard to wrap your lips around, was it Johnny?)
But perhaps most troubling of all is that he appears to be sourcing his speech-writers from a pool of people whose talents clearly lie in the field of pillow/tea-towel/apron/greeting-card slogans. And NOT hip crafty typeseither.
'better safe than sorry'?? - if you insist on going down the folksy homespun wisdom line you could at least be a bit imaginative about it.

To help the PM out we've decided to gather together some sayings that we think he should include in his repertoire. We believe they are every bit as insightful as all the other stuff he's been saying lately & if he fears he may not be able to remember them all we'd be happy to crotchet them onto a toilet-seat cover for the Kirribilli loo.

  • If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging

  • A good thing to remember, and a better thing to do, is work with the construction gang and not the wrecking crew

  • Angels say "halo" to everyone

  • A person can fail many times but it isn't a failure until he begins to blame others

  • A house is made of brick and stone ... a home is made of love alone

  • A hug a day keeps the meanies away

  • A person who thinks too highly of himself has farther to fall when he fails

  • A little sugar for the chef can make the cookin' mighty sweet

  • A dog is a dog, but a cat is a purrrrrson


Anonymous said...

"A giggle a day keeps the glums away"
"The best sermons are lived, not preached"
"When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty"
Now i'm gonta barf ;)

Anonymous said...

omg - kakariki makes teh funniest.

how about
"somebody call Heaven"
"to tell them they lost an angel?"
"nope. coz someone should tell God they sent an asshole without a person attached."
"Dude...that's John Howard!"