Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Liberal research finds Howy Old & Dishonest

You mean they are only just realising this now? Add waaaaaay out of touch to the list, please.

*Breaking News!! Capital Ideas has just been informed of the contents of a footnote to the research dossier. It reads: 'Tuesday invariably follows Monday, fire is hot & Today Tonight is achingly offensive to all who have souls'. Hmmm, enlightening folk those Lib researchers.


Anonymous said...

You could also add that John Howard will kick the bucket one day. It's another comforting certainty.

Anonymous said...

With respect, children - there is no shame in being old (you can look forward to attaining that state yourselves - IF you're lucky) You seem to be admirably aware in the sexist/racist etc departments - a little bit of conciousness-raising in the ageist department seems in order. Now, to grow old with one's honesty intact, THERE'S a challenge!

Capital Ideas Australia said...

Cap Ideas is certainly making no negative judgment on H's age (though it appears the lib researchers are). He is getting on. Fine by us. He's a lucky bugger & we hope he's very thankful. Especially as the average Indigenous man only lives to 57. Fifty-Seven. That's a decade so far of 'lucky' white life for Howard.