89 still languish in limbo on Nauru
Countless lives, hopes & dreams squished
We simply cannot comprehend how anyone could vote for the Libs knowing the horror & inhumanity of their 'Pacific Solution'
Surely such cruelty is a deal-breaker* which wipes out any other reason for voting their way?
Unfortunately this is not a sure thing & we're not sure why. So. We're gonna find out. Capital Ideas is going to track down a bunch of gen-u-ine Libs & pick their brains & ask them hard hitting questions such as why? WHY?
?Then we will formulate a simple method for deprogramming their poor misled & warped minds. X . stay tuned...
*we are SO sorry for this expression. Not sure where exactly it came from though we fear Dr. Phil... & now that it's written we can't think of any other way of saying it. Ewwww. Ick ick ick. Americanz cultcha haz chewed our brainz!
Dr Phil is my hero! If more people watched Dr Phil the world would be a better place (AND he has such nice eyebrows!)
O.K. - Ms Certain-Age Woman - we don't want to alarm you but we fear you may have left the gas on. We want you to go directly to a window & take three deep breaths. If you are still having delusions of the heroic nature of Dr Fill-an-hour-with-pomposity-&-shameless-money-making-plugs - please, PLEASE seek medical advice. Preferably from an M.D. who doesn't dabble in telly.
I was forced into spending WAY TOO MUCH time with people of that ilk once.
At first I thought they were just naive. But then I figured they were just nasty, nasty people.
That was the day I figured that education wasn't neccessarily the solution...
Yes, we are being a bit wide-eyed optimist aren't we? Probably the best thing to do is to hand a microphone to the little people who get drowned out by the louts rather than try & talk the louts around... Still - it's not like us to give matters too much forethought so we're going to put on our gumboots, turn right at channel 10 & wade on in to the murky reality of a country that has kept Howard in power for over a decade. If it gets too nauseating we can always high-tail it back here to the safe & friendly ground populated by humane humans.
they test drove Passthebuck Solution but was all obvious n shit. I think that it's visionary - by excessive use of force, night time deportations, and denial of basic human rights, the Australian Government is simply doing its best to make refugees feel right at home.
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